Karen Tuttle (1920-2010) unquestionably created a legacy in the world of viola pedagogy. The potency of her teaching philosophy, along with her dynamic personality, has influenced music students for almost sixty years. Her contributions to both the meaning of performance and the mechanics of viola playing have enriched the field of viola pedagogy on a scale that is rare. More than a playing technique or a school, Tuttle's teaching was truly a philosophy; however its nature, and the level of exposure it has received, has made her teaching both controversial and misunderstood.
This study examines Karen Tuttle's influence on modern viola teaching. Topics covered include her background, her teaching principles, and her influence in teaching. This influence is researched through interviews with former students. Of her legacy in viola pedagogy, we see specifically what is most groundbreaking and effective, and how this has made her teaching so revered.
To purchase: This document is self-published, and the cost is $7.00 (plus postage, if necessary). If you would like to purchase a copy, please email me below.